Parcel Genie - Graphic Design

Parcel Genie

Parcelgenie is a company in Brighton which promotes spontaneous gifting. Gifting is encouraged through the app 'Parcelgenie' which is available to download for both iPhone and Android users. The app has a varied range of small 'letterbox sized' gifts to choose from, priced from anything between £1 - £20 - all the user needs is their payment details and the mobile number of the person they wish to send the gift to - it's as easy as that!

Although the concept was brilliant the whole design needed updating. Shown left is the art direction the app went in after getting involved.

The idea was that all gifts despite the price should have a value, and the photography should therefore reflect that. (Previously there was no context with the product just a lot of images cut out awkwardly in Photoshop) The logo was also part of the re-design - the key part of the concept (although not face to face) was the communication part of the gifting process. The logo was mocked-up on iPhone screens with some splash screen imagery to get a feel of what the app would begin to look like. The main development of the app was done in-house by Parcelgenie.