AFT - Animation

AFT asked us to create a small animation based on a testimonial of a family who had recently received support. The animation short would be used in presentations and feature on the website for a few months on the launch of a campaign to promote the therapy further.

The animation was produced in answer to a brief from the Association of Family Therapists to animate the experiences of a teenage girl with anger issues. The mood of the piece had to illustrate the initial anger issues that were resolved as the animation played out so emphasis was put on the facial features of the teenage girl with cut outs of the original film and the changing colours in the background reflected the changing emotions. A short storyline was written based around the provided script and was filmed using actors and edited. Each frame was then sketched over in Photoshop giving the final look and it was then composited with the background in After Effects. .

To be used as a promotion of the Associations' services to future clients, it can be viewed on their website here